Rainbow 🌈 first ultrasound

Jessie • Mom of 👧🏻 05/28/14, 👼🏻 03/27/16 👧🏻 09/16/19 Happily Engaged 💍 10/31/19

So I found out I was pregnant with our rainbow baby on 1/18/19 About a week later I started having horrid migraines and pain in my right side I started to get worried so I went to the er. We weren’t for sure how far I could be because my ovulation is off. They said that my hcg levels were low being at 844 and they didn’t see anything on ultrasound so asked me to come back in 2 days to check levels because they think it is either a miscarriage or a ectopic so 2 days later my levels were 2,057 so they still weren’t sure so they just had me continue with my doc appointment 2 days later had labs done and an ultrasound well my levels came back to be 6,348 so I definitely felt better and more confident so I had my ultrasound earlier this morning and we have a healthy little jelly bean and heartbeat being at 137 bpm ♥️♥️♥️

Lots of baby dust to all of you wonderful women you guys deserve it! It will happen!