Unplanned csection

My baby was head down and at 39 weeks we decided to induce due to hypertension. They started cervidil at 12:30pm on Sunday. At 5:30am Monday morning I was 50% effaced 1cm. At 9pm Monday I only progressed to 4 cm 80-90% effaced -2. The doctor told me the baby was developing a cone head due to being in the birth canal too long and the did not think my birth canal was big enough to deliver. After going back and forth and not progressing past 4cm and not going past that % for being effaced I just went ahead with the c section due to all of the what ifs that could happen to my baby. I'm still unsure if this was true or they wanted me off the floor because they had 14+ patients.. I'm in pain, but my baby was totally worth it. ❤