Did you smoke during pregnancy?


I'm not a heavy smoker, 3-5 hits a day usually in the afternoon/evenings. I'm 6w 5d and I've cut down already because I just feel guilty when I smoke. It's not so much the weed itself but the thought of depriving my baby of oxygen I think. I just feel uncomfortable after taking a hit. Maybe because it's my first, I don't know. I'm pro- CBD, love hemp and all, I have no problems with weed I love it lol. Before I got pregnant I figured I'd probably cut back and smoke high CBD/low THC strains but now that I'm actually pregnant I keep feeling weird.

I guess I'm just looking for advice/opinions and someone else's experience. However, I'm not looking for people to just be rude lol you can express a different opinion than mine without being mean, so let's keep this positive! 😀

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Posted at
I have 3 healthy happy smart children that I smoked with. First I only allowed myself once a week. The other two I cut back to just in the evenings. There's no difference in any of them.


Posted at
I smoked until I was 25 weeks my doctor knew and it wasn’t a problem as long as it was out of my system by the time I had my baby which it was and she’s perfect never had a health issue. Weed is totally safe!


Angel • Feb 21, 2019
How long does it take to get out system


Posted at
Me (ME NOT TELLING ANYONE ELSE anything but what I would do) as someone who really honestly doesn’t believe I can ever have my own children if I got pregnant right now being a stoner i would completely stop cold turkey not even be around any kind of smoke. I would do anything to keep my baby growing inside me safe.


Posted at
I have two healthy kids that I smoked with. My first one my obgyn actually advised not quitting just slowing way down. With my daughter I smoked but stopped by 6th month. I did feel guilty too but it helped with sickness and everything. But if u feel too guilty cut down till you can quit. Don’t do it cold turkey. That’s my advice.


Vawna. • Feb 27, 2019
I don’t think they did. As long as u stop by 6 months u will be fine if u are worried about that.


Angel • Feb 27, 2019
Do u know if they drug tested u?


Posted at
I smoked almost daily for 12 years before I got pregnant. I quit while I was pregnant and breastfeeding. I’m planning to breastfeed for another 6 weeks and I can’t wait to go back to smoking! I don’t think anything would happen to your baby, but there’s also not a lot of research that’s been done to prove it either way, so for me personally I chose to put it on pause. If my baby grows up and wants to smoke I’ll fully support it but I don’t feel like I can make that decision for her. With that said I also cut sugar since it’s more dangerous than weed 😵


Posted at
You can go to just cbd, a vape or gummy of it. That would be much better with no risk of testing positive at birth since some states do have laws against that.