Low progesterone levels?? 😥


I got blood work done on Tues & my levels were HCG 125 & progesterone 8.53. So my fertility doc put me on endometrium 100 mg 3x/day. I’m 4wks 1 day. So still early.

I went back today (Thursday) & my HCG did double so that’s 277, however, my progesterone is now only 7.6 😩 I’m getting so worried because I’m 2016 we miscarried for unknown causes.

Has anyone ever started with numbers like these to end up with a healthy pregnancy?

I go back Monday to check levels again. So I’m looking to have a HCG of 1100-1200 & I’m praying for a progesterone level of at LEAST 10 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼