Second Miscarriage


I don’t usually post on here, but I could really use some support. I miscarried in August after TTC for two months. I lost my baby at 5W4D. Then approximately five months later, I got my BFP on January 7th. I was so excited to be pregnant with my rainbow baby but still so anxious as I had just previously had a miscarriage. Around 6 weeks, I began to have severe cramping, but no bleeding so I was taken in for an ultrasound just to make sure everything was okay. At my 6 week ultrasound, everything looked good. Unfortunately, about two weeks later, I had a “gush” of blood. I bled for about 15 minutes but then it became lighter and turned to brown. Eventually I was just spotting light brown, but only when I wiped. Due to that, I was taken in for another ultrasound. At that ultrasound, I was actually found to be measuring 6W1D when by my LMP, I should have been 8W1D. At the time, the doctor didn’t seem to be too concerned as she said I might have miscalculated my ovulation days or that implantation could have taken longer. The good news was that from my first ultrasound to the second ultrasound, there was development of a fetal pole, so I was told things looked promising. Because I was measuring behind, they wanted me to come back in two weeks so that we could check viability and listen for a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I had another bout of bleeding this morning which sent me in for another ultrasound. My baby had not grown since my last ultrasound and there was evidence that my placenta was trying to detach. I opted to come home for the weekend to try and pass things naturally but was told that if it didn’t happen naturally by Monday, they want me to be scheduled for a D and C next week. My heart is just so broken right now. This is now two miscarriages in a row for me and I’m having a hard time handling everything. Has anyone had two miscarriages in a row like this but went on to have a healthy baby? I’m just in need of some support and maybe some reassurance. Sorry for such a long post. This is the only place I feel comfortable really talking about this as I have only shared the news with close family members and select friends.