TTC all these symptoms! Rant

Jessica • Be proactive not reactive, trust in the Lord and anything is possible. I am grateful for everything.

My period starts in 7 days. For over a week I’ve experienced sore nipples and breast, lower back pain, sensitivity to smell, headaches, nausea, back pain, constipation, etc. All the signs saying: PREGGO but negative test. It might be too soon. I’m praying it’s positive and praying if so healthy baby.

I had a miscarriage in June and ever since I’ve had baby fever. This morning I woke up with my left shoulder blade (not shoulder tip) hurting like hell. This whole thing is a rollar coaster. I hope if pregnant it’s not ectopic. All these worries and anxiety. My 7 year old wants a baby brother or sister. People always ask why didn’t you have more? I say cause God hasn’t blessed me with more.