Baby fever


Me and my husband have been married 5 years and have been sexually active without contraceptives since we first got together 7 years ago and never used. I have yet to get pregnant though after we got married or sex life slowed down with pressures of life and different events that have occurred. We’ve had debates about why I’m not conceiving, my biggest thing is not enough sexual activity and not being active during my ovulation and fertile days. His family is more fertile then mine but still in fact he doesn’t have a huge sex drive and lately mine has taking a huge decline as well. I always get down and depressed when someone in the family gets pregnant. All my siblings and his siblings except 1 have kids.I almost feel like giving up with the idea of even having kids. He says he really wants them but his actions show differently. We have went to a fertility specialist and everything checked out ok as far as they could see. Feel lost in a way like if me and him were to breakup and move on with other people then boom I’m pregnant by this new person and boom he has a kid on the way. At times just feel like we’re incompatible and that’s why it’s not happening...lost and confused