Advice needed girls ! Help!

So, there is this guy who I met (not in person) when I was giving away my puppies. He called because he was interested in adopting one of the puppies. He needed a male puppy but I had only the female ones so at last he didn't adopt one of my puppies. So I thought this would be the end of our conversation. But two days later, he texted me at night with the picture of a puppy saying he adopted a puppy and since he lives alone he needed help to look after him. Well then I told him what he need to do. The other day he again texts me about the puppy and then started talking about himself (keep in mind that until this time he doesn't know my name or how I look like) he almost everything about himself. Well I'm the kind of a person who shares about herself to other only if I know that particular person for at least a year or two so yep, I didn't tell him anything about myself and he didn't even asked. Well days passed and we texted everyday. Turns out we are of the same age. And no I'm not getting cat fished because yeah I stalked his inside out in the social Media 😂😂. He is a decent guy but pretty straight forward (I think I have a crush on him). He asked to meet up multiple times but there would always be some kind of problem (mostly by my side not intentionally)and the plan would always be canceled. And now it's quite annoying to me because he always seems to be busy so I decided to slowly drift apart and it was working.I mean I want to text him but he replies extremely late and I don't want to be that desperate annoying girl constantly messaging a guy who gives zero attention to her. And the most annoying thing was he would always start the conversation and then disappear and I'd be left hanging. So finally I kinda started ignoring him and we didn't talk for a.. week I guess. Then, yesterday he texted me why I was not talking to him anymore. Then we talked and again he started disappearing in the mid of the conversation like always. So girl, I need help. Should I continue texting him ? Should I meet him?