Needing some encouragement at the moment

Essentially I had a thing with a guy for about 5 months and now it’s been three weeks since I heard from him. I have no idea what happened, we used to talk frequently but now... radio static. it was kind of a shock that it’s been so long without a single word.

I also think it’s extremely rude and inconsiderate to ghost someone, especially if you’ve been sleeping with them. Leaving them to question what they may have done wrong, trying to fill in the gaps of silence is plain wrong in my eyes. I have awful anxiety and this situation has been no help. If he didn’t want to continue the relationship he should have shown maturity and ended it, face to face.

I deserve better than to be treated like an object and tossed away when he didn’t feel like bothering with me anymore. I don’t understand who he thinks he is that he feels he can treat people that way.

I feel like I owe it to myself to get some closure. I want to stand up for myself I guess. I don’t want to to put my feelings on the back burner for the sake of someone else’s comfort any longer.

I have some stuff at his place that I want to get this weekend. I’m full of anxiety about it. I’m worried that My anxiety will make me unable to speak clearly or what if I cant even speak at all? I really really don’t like confrontation but like I said, I want to do it for me. I don’t want to be walked all over anymore.

Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you if you read this ❤️

Here’s a pic of me that made me feel pretty, I want to love myself more and take a stance when I feel like I’m being disrespected