Breaking down pregnancy weeks to months!🤰


I’ve noticed many posts on here about confusion regarding pregnancy weeks to months, so here it goes!

At the end of your 4th week, you have just completed one month of pregnancy. Therefore, you are officially 1 month pregnant at the beginning of your 5th week.

At 5 weeks, you are entering your 2nd month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered two months until you have completed the full 8 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 2 months pregnant at the beginning of your 9th week.

At 9 weeks, you are entering your 3rd month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered three months until you have completed the full 13 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 3 months pregnant at the beginning of your 14th week.

At 14 weeks, you are entering your 4th month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered four months until you have completed the full 17 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 4 months pregnant at the beginning of your 18th week.

At 18 weeks, you are entering your 5th month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered five months until you have completed the full 21 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 5 months pregnant at the beginning of your 22nd week.

At 22 weeks, you are entering your 6th month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered six months until you have completed the full 26 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 6 months pregnant at the beginning of your 27th week.

At 27 weeks, you are entering your 7th month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered seven months until you have completed the full 30 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 7 months pregnant at the beginning of your 31st week.

At 31 weeks, you are entering your 8th month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered eight months until you have completed the full 35 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 8 months pregnant at the beginning of your 36th week.

At 36 weeks, you are entering your 9th month of pregnancy, but you’re not considered nine months until you have completed the full 39 weeks. Therefore, you are officially 9 months pregnant at the beginning of your 40th week a.k.a. your due date.

I know all the technicalities can get confusing, but I hope this helps you have a better understanding of pregnancy weeks to months. If you have any questions at all, please ask. (: