A helmet?!


So one of my twins has torticollis. He goes to physical therapy once a week for it and we do his exercises at home too. His physical therapist suggested a helmet. So she made an appointment with a neurosurgeon a couple hours away and she was confident he’d feel the same way. We go up there and he says that basically his hair will cover it up when he’s older and if “ no one is stopping you in the streets about it don’t worry about it” so we went to his physical therapist the following week and she was kinda upset/mad about it. She said she’d call and talk to him about it. This Wednesday we went again and she told us what he said. He told her basically the same thing and that it was up to me and our children’s father. His physical therapist told us she would do it if it was any of her kids. I’m all for it because I don’t think it would hurt especially if insurance pays for it. My boyfriend (their father) just doesn’t see any point in it he says and doesn’t think we should do it. I don’t know what to do now and I’m needing opinions. Would you do it if it was your kid? I’m not trying to go against what my boyfriend thinks,just trying to see other opinions!