Ear infections

So my baby has had 3 ear infections now in the past 2 months. I am so upset that she keeps getting sick. I don’t understand it. She does not go to day care.

I breastfed for 12 months I thought she was going to be so healthy from that. Other than this she is a healthy weight no issues but it just makes me feel guilty like I’m doing something wrong.

Just venting

Edit post:

Didn’t mean to offend anyone. As a Ftm I was being really hard on myself. Pediatrician said she is a normal baby and she will just keep getting sick and it’s just what happens at this age.

She got her injection of antibiotics and is doing so much better. Hope we can avoid getting tubes. Thank you for all of you that took the time to read this and comment. Love having this place to vent. No else would understand why I’ve been feeling this way.