Over dramatic??

Hiya guys just a quick question, I need some sort of guidance. It’s my mums birthday Sunday and my Nan invited me to go out for a birthday meal with some family. She hasn’t invited my Boyfriend (bearing in mind he’s like my family now, I’m pregnant with his child) and I asked my mum if she could think of a reason why he may not of been invited. She said no but it didn’t sound too convincing. I feel like someone doesn’t like him, and is just sugar coating me with lies to make me feel better. It’s been bugging me a hell of a lot, should I be bothered? What should I do? I mean he’s soon to be part of my family now, I’ve always felt like we should stick together, isn’t that what family does? And if someone doesn’t like something about him they should speak up, I don’t want to be surrounded by fake people who say they like him. Am I being selfish? Is pregnancy hormones making this worse?😩😭 I’ve literally cried over this and don’t know what to do. It just hurts that, it feels like they can’t face the reality that he is Gunna be the one who I spend the rest of my life with, like they don’t want me with him?