I literally just want this to end!


I'm sorry for complaining. I just need to vent.

I have been having this feeling labor is near... not sure why. Probably because my mom had preterm babies between (35-36 weeks) I know that doesn't mean the same thing for me but I have had this gut feeling for some reason my little girl will be here sooner than we expect ...

Anyways. I keep having spells of contractions anywhere from 6 mins apart to 3 mins apart.. and the slowly become more and more painful than they just stop!!!

I have had this issue since I was 32 weeks pregnant and I am currently 2 days from being 36 weeks so obviously its not "active labor" ... this false labor is driving me nuts and scares the crap out of me because I live an hour and 15 mins from my hospital and I am scared if I end up waiting it out too long and it turns into the real deal I will have a "back seat " baby.

I just wish the false labor would either stop or turn into the real thing and stop messing with me. (I want her to cook longer) I just can't handle the mind games my uterus is playing anymore. 😪😓

Last time I was checked I was about 2 cms and 50 % effaced at 33 weeks. So I am curious to know at my next appointment if this false labor is slowly progressing things or what!!

Rant over.. thanks for listening ladies