Introducing my Rainbow Baby

Lily • Doula and Lactation Consultant

It started by getting pregnant my first time, only to have a pregnancy loss 8 weeks in.

Another year went by of us trying, no luck. Finally got pregnancy again only to have another loss.

A year later, again same thing. Not only did I have difficult getting pregnant, but each time had to feel such heart ache.

When I finally got pregnant this time I remember feeling like I was giving my partner bad news. Instead of celebrating it felt like I was just prepping him for more tragedy.

But the baby kept growing. On my husbands birthday we saw the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

Baby kept growing. We made it to the second trimester. Yay. Finally got to announce for the first time ever.

We got to see baby's face in 3D

And find out baby is a....


After a long overdue wait...

At 41 weeks and 3 days on February 2nd, after 24 hours of labour, an attempted home birth and hospital transfer, at 4:08am she came flying out for my husband to catch, and I finally got to meet...

Elowyn Wanda Graham - 8lbs 8oz

So thankful, so in love 💜