The Actual Relationship

My SO and I have a pretty good relationship and I’m including the challenging times too.. we always know how to bounce back to each other and stand firm on our foundation..

But yal💆🏽‍♀️I feel like the pregnancy is taking its toll on me with the hormones, the moods,paranoia,dealing with constant change in and around my body and maintaining my sanity all at the same time is driving him away.. and honestly I don’t mean to but it’s getting to a point where I think we might need some time apart which I think can be healthy and helpful in order to gain some perspective but me and my pregnancy self is worried that maybe he’s changed his mind about me🤷🏽‍♀️.. but another part is telling me to leave things alone and take the time to pray and focus on what I need and to prepare for baby coming in a few weeks..

Has your pregnancy journey (especially first time) affected your relationship in any way? If not so dramatic as mine, or worse.. how did you deal?🤦🏽‍♀️