Short luteal phase-successful pregnancy?


Hi everyone. I have an extremely short luteal phase (7 days consistently) I got pregnant fairly quickly after 3 months of trying even though it is so short but then I just miscarried (had a D&c today) at 9 weeks.

I know they don’t test or do anything unless you have had 3 miscarriages. I really don’t want to go through this again two more times if it’s not possible because of a luteal phase defect.

Has anyone successfully carried a baby to term with a 7 day (or short) luteal phase?

I have my post op check in with my doctor in 2 weeks so I plan to mention this to her and see what she says.

Just seems insane to do this two more times, be heart broken two more times, two more surgeries if it’s not going to happen without intervention for this 7 day phase.

I can’t find much on the internet. If I made it to 9 weeks does that mean the luteal phase wasn’t really a factor? Would the baby just not attach at all if that was the case?

Thanks everyone. Love this forum and the ability to ask questions here.