Colic help😩

Jessica • 1/26/19👦🏻.10/16/21👶🏼4/25/24🤰🏻. ED RN🩺. Police Family👮🏽‍♂️

My little one will be 3 weeks tomorrow. I was told yesterday at his appointment he has colic. He screams in pain within an hour after he eats. Sometimes it’s real short. Sometimes intermittent for over an hour. He barely makes it two hours in between feedings. We keep trying to push it back to 3 hours, but it isn’t working.

We started probiotics but those don’t seem to be working and had a dose of gripe water which didn’t.

This tired mama is hoping for at least a 3 hour stretch so she can get a tad more sleep.

Anyone have any remedies/thoughts / advice that can help me out before I go insane. Literally.