First time having sex

I guess I just want to know what other people’s experiences were like and get some advice on mine😅

I had sex for the first time with my bf a couple days ago and honestly, it was just weird. It didn’t feel good and I felt really awkward and it also hurt a bit. It was also realllyyyy awkward when he asked me how it was. I said “good” and he could tell that I was just kinda uncomfortable I guess. He’s had sex a good amount so I think I also made him feel bad that he didn’t really get me off or anything. I told him I’ve never even orgasmed before so “I just dont know how it was” is what I told him.

But yeah it was just kinda an awkward experience and I guess I’m nervous to do it again since nothing happened the first time. Lol his dick was kinda just in me and I was like well this isn’t very enjoyable but okay