Weight Gain/ Feed Issues


My little girl is near impossible to wake/keep awake to feed. Shes 3 weeks. She’s struggling to gain weight because of it; she’s not even up to her birth weight. I’ve tried literally everything I can think of to wake her and keep her up. For example, I’ve been trying for almost 2 hours to wake and keep her awake. I ended up giving her a bath and she woke for that but as soon as it was over she passed out again after less than two minutes on the breast. I’m getting so frustrated and feeling so defeated.

** I have tried tickling her everywhere, gently blowing on her head/face/chest, repositioning her, sitting her upright, making the room bright and loud, making my hands cold by running them under cold water, cold rags, stripping her down to her diaper, breast compression (when she manages to wake long enough to latch)— pretty much anything anyone has suggested or I have found as suggestions and she just won’t wake or stay awake.**

*We’ve seen our lactation consultant. She doesn’t have a lip or tongue tie, or any other oral anatomy issues. My supply is great and transfer is great, when she does eat*

*we’ve been doing paced feeding as well with pumped breastmilk, when she’s awake to eat*

If she doesn’t gain weight by Tuesday supplementation will probably be what they suggest but I honestly don’t know how that will work either if she won’t wake to eat in the first place.