Need advice please

So I like this guy.. here’s a whole background story. We met in August when school started in one of my classes. He started talking to me around September and we got closer as the weeks went on. We would talk throughout all class. He would flirt with me and I mean he’s cute so I would too 😂 I caught feelings for him and so I just said f it and told him around November. He said he already knew and he still would flirt with me in class all the time. I wasn’t looking for a relationship so I was fine with it. It was almost like I had a bf but in that class only. Everything continued with him. It became winter break I didn’t see or speak to him during those two weeks. When school started again (in January) he still did then like a week or two later he got a gf so I stopped everything with him because I mean he had a gf. Then recently they broke up and he is flirting with me again and everything. He gave me his Snapchat and we’ve been talking almost nonstop since. I still like him but I don’t know if I should try and pursue something with him or just leave it to where it’s like I have a bf in just that class