Well at least my cycles are regular 🙄

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I just started my third period since my loss in November. My last two cycles I ovulated on day 20, which was the same cycle day I conceived my daughter. I’m so depressed. We have been pregnant three times (two losses) and always conceived quickly (two cycles was the longest it ever took). Now I have no clue what to expect. Ugh. Oh well.

I also get seasonal depression in winter so we specifically planned our last pregnancy to have the baby in the spring (due end of May) and now even if we conceive ASAP it’s like, end of November. I want to conceive and have the baby as soon as I can but I have the worst feeling that it’ll be like the worst six months of my life with a newborn in the dead of winter, plus not wanting to go anywhere public during cold and flu season with an unvaccinated newborn for at least a couple months. Oh well. It’ll pass I guess, and it is what it is. I’m just so bummed. We really banked on being fertile and conceiving quickly.