When will it ever end!!!!!

Hi there. I’m 56, yep 56 with on time periods. 4 years ago I started bleeding non-stop and became anemic. Gyno put a Merena in which has been god sent and tho the bleeding is under control, I still get periods on time although it’s more like “spotting”.

No hot flashes but I’m freezing all the time. I know I’m gonna be “that old lady” that wears a sweater in the summer and constantly has a blanket in her lap! LOL

Seriously tho, I shed hair like a St Bernard in Arizona but it all grows back like grass. It look and feels like someone keeps cutting my hair along my temples and I shave my neck bangs off only to find they’ve grown back in a few weeks!

I’ve gained 40 lbs in the last 4 years. That’s 10 a year!!!!!

My really question is could the Merena be preventing menopause? If I get it removed, will I be able to gain my body back and feel normal again? What if the uncontrollable bleeding comes back?

I’ve thought about having my uterus removed and be done with all this. Anyone else experience this or similar and did your symptoms go away?