Reality check

Lately I’ve came to realization that I have issues. I’m 15 years old and since I was younger I liked to inflict pain on other things even people I guess. I would like to hurt animals and that sounds absolutely horrible but I wish I didn’t do it. I just like the thought of killing things. I know i need help but how do I tell my parents without sounding like a freak. My step dad has recently went to jail for hiring someone to kill my mom, and him just got a divorce obviously and she’s going through a lot right now. I don’t want to be that asshole type kid who is like “hey mom I think I’m crazy” you know? And of course I realize I need help and this is serious but how do I tell her without sounding nuts. I also think I’m bipolar. My birth mom has bipolar 1 and she and I both think I have bipolar depression.

I also like the thought of being sick. I just want to be sick and want to have mental health issues but at the same time I don’t and I want help.

What does this sound like?