Be your own advocate. Relaxing won’t get you pregnant

Just need to vent. How many times have we been told “relax it’ll happen”, “you’re so young”, “you can have mine”, “are you sure you’re doing it right”, etc...even by doctors! Infertility is real and it’s awful and unless you are a fertility doc or are going through it, people do not understand.

So with that...BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. If you feel like something is wrong, don’t let anyone tell you to just relax. The greatest decision I ever made was to take charge and find a doctor who validated that I wanted tests run and I wanted a baby sooner rather than later and just his presence and the fact that he listened changed my whole mindset. Took me 3 years to get to this point, but now we know I only have half a uterus and hubbys count is awful. Wish I had taken charge sooner.

Do what’s best for you and don’t let anyone, including doctors and family, stand in your way.