23 month old and day naps


update - so I just wanted to let everyone know my son has slept through the night a couple nights in a row. He had his afternoon naps every few days not everyday now and he only sleeps 30 mins (any longer he wakes up at night) I’m hoping this will continue but I just wanted to say thank you to the mummas out there that gave me advice when I needed it. I appreciate it heaps. Iv had some sleep and I feel better lol

My 23 month old son is fighting his naps to the point where it’s been 3 days and he hasn’t had one.

I feel like he may be too early to drop them our day is pretty full on and heaps of activity but he just isn’t sleeping. Then at night he goes to bed fine at 700 and sleep til about 4 wakes up for a hour and talks to himself back to sleep til 6 -630 so he still gets his 11-11.5 hours sleep at night and his last molar is coming through so that’s added to the shittiness

I’m just not ready I don’t know how to deal woth a no nap toddler and I’m emotional AF so yeah I might sound super whiny but I’m 16 weeks pregnant and I just want advice or help.

Please don’t come at me at a negative aspect either coz I’m too emotional right now to deal