Cd 13 scan on clomid


Hey gals so basically I have PCOS iv low progesterone levels which indicate that I’m not ovulating on my own . I was on metformin for 3 years and came off it two weeks ago to begin clomid . I started clomid Monday last week at 50mg cd 5- 9 . I then started using clear blue advance opks and I got a flashing smiley yesterday and today . Which I was super excited about . But then today I had cd 13 follicle scan and my OB just wasn’t that happy about it she said she would have taught see would see more .... she said iv plenty of eggs but that I just can’t release them myself . One follicle is responding on my left ovary though it is the only one that had grown and at cd 13 it is measuring 13mm which she said needed to be 20mm she didn’t seem very positive at all and iv been really upset about it all day . She told me to get cd 21 progesterone checked again and see if they are above 30 . Has anyone else had a follicle this size that ended up growing enough to be viable ???