14 weeks and baby is literally jumping!


So here I am currently 14 weeks pregnant but last week was stressful. I got brown spotting at 13 weeks and some days and for someone who has had many losses it’s terrifying. I spoke with an on call nurse who told me it wasn’t much to worry about.

Of course still very worried I demanded an ultrasound mostly because my first ultrasound was done at a clinic at 9 weeks abdominal... you could barley see anything at that damn ultrasound. I scheduled an appointment with a hospital that i wanted to transfer to. Big mistake because somehow they scheduled me with a normal physician even though during the call I stressed that it was prenatal and I need an ultrasound done.

Well I finally called the one hospital I knew would be able to see me same day. Downfall is they don’t take my insurance. Well she didn’t waste no time. This was the moment of truth... and I

braced myself for the worse but they it was my beautiful healthy baby having a blast in there . You can see em suck their thumb and jump up and down... for a visual type this into youtube “jumping womb dancer baby ultrasound” my 14 week old peanut was jumping exactly like that and is measuring ahead.

Just wanted to finally share something positive on here for everyone. Please keep us in your prayers for safe and healthy journey and i wish baby dust and great health in you all.