35 weeks, 2cm dilated and 50% effaced

Aly • One Daughter O8.O2.17👩‍👧 Expecting TWO miracles 2O19 👨‍👩‍👧🤗👶👶

35 weeks, 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. Does this mean anything in the way of labor? I don’t tend to feel many contractions. They want me to go till 38 weeks if possible (fraternal Twins) but the OB told me she didn’t think I’d make it there. Does this mean labor is nearing with being 50% effaced? I was induced with my first so I don’t remember much, I never got info on dilation and effacement until I was in the hospital working my way up to a 10.

Both babies turned head down today at my 35&1 week ultrasound. Baby A gas been head down for a while and Baby B was always switching around but now she was forsure head down. Idk if that means anything either?

Thanks ladies