Friends are jealous?

Hey so I have this really good group of girl friends and we all like a lot of the same things like we are all on the bowling team and are in the top 10 of our class and are into theater. It’s really hard for me right now because I think they might be jealous of me. I was the only freshman girl to get a part in the play so all my friends got cut, I got a special bowling award at our end of the year banquet, and I am currently ranked 3rd in our class( higher than all of them) so they always make these rude comments and try to like guilt trip me and i don’t know if they are jealous, salty or I am seeing another side of them after knowing them for many years. So please I really need y’alls help in what to do, also I really don’t want this post to seem like me bragging because I’m not trying to lol