

So today I had an ob appointment. I seen a registrar I've been having irregular contractions and sharps pains last couple of days to the point I cant do my normally daily activities. This is my 7th pregnancy and I know they say all are different but this is different to what Im use to. I spoke to the lady about it and she was like oh ok so normal pains and I said no. Bubs measuring in the 85% and weighs 5.8 pound already that was at 33+6 weeks. Says oh he wont be a big baby 🙄 my fundal height is measuring 37 weeks so still 2 weeks in advance placenta is anterior. I have been told theres complications due to having a bleed before with my 4th almost needing a blood transfusion and because it's my 7th pregnancy I was also told that if bub is larger than around 7 pound theres risks to my uterus and aslo placenta abruption. I sat on whether to have a c section and had up to this appointment to make my decision around 3 weeks I put every factor in and decided a c section may be my safest option. I bring this up with her today and she goes and consults her superior who then comes and and flat out says NO you have had 5 vaginal births so we know you can do it so you can wait until bubs arrive. I literally broke down ladies my babies like to cook until at least 41 weeks.

I said no I'm not going over and she goes oh we can schedule your induction for 39 weeks. Um since when was this available???

I also am wanting tubes tied and shes like oh we will just go ahead and do the implanon and wait 3 months for a consult to see if they will do them 😑 I'm like I was really sick with it last time I had it and shes like oh then the marina can go in.

I'm so annoyed with all the conflicting suggestions and answers I go back on the 27th to see a senior consultant ob. I dont know what to do Thankyou for reading and advice or stories or questions I can ask would be greatly appreciated