What sounds best for our situation?


Honest opinion needed. It's been weighing heavily on our minds lately and it's just giving me anxiety at this point.

Im uncomfortable with the idea of a baby shower. Just like i was with our wedding shower. I don't like the attention or obligation or receiving gifts and feeling like i owe people and the idea of putting one together is such a big deal it makes me want to cry. We have a few people that mentioned putting a party together but havent made a single actuon towards actually doing it and everyone we asked said that it should be thrown for us, not us planning it..? We would have no problem paying for it but we dont want to throw it ourselves...

Dont even get me started on thank you cards. Im STILLLLLL WORKING ON WEDDING THANK YOUS and our wedding was in October 2018. It's just so hard to bring ourselves to COMPLETE things like that when we are going through so many changes and emergencies left and right. Depression is kicking my ass big time. It's overwhelming.

My hubby and I really just want to start buying baby stuff to prepare. We dont necessarily want to "wait and see what we get before we spend money". But we have so many people excited and WANT to go to a shower or bring us baby things and idk what to do.

Anyone ever hear of a post partum party????? Like after our baby boy is born and we move into a new house? (We need to get out of this tiny apartment before baby comes)

Have a diaper Party or get together where everyone can meet little man and celebrate with us??? I feel like we will need that extra love and support after he's born even more than before hes born. Idk. I need opinions. We arent SO worried about buying things which is what everyone brings up. I understand it's helpful but I have so much anxiety over it.

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