Venting 😤

Courtney • 🌻with the love of my life 💍 ftm to babygirl 23/02/19 💖

Sorry ladies, I just need to vent for a minute. I’m 40 weeks and 5 days, baby is fine but has had cysts on her lungs my entire pregnancy so I’ve had to be closely monitored and am considered high risk, it’s my first baby, I’m positive for group B strep, and I lost my mucous plug this morning. I am scheduled to be induced on Monday. I’ve been awake since 5am with consistent contractions. I cannot talk through them and they have been 4 minutes apart for about 2 hours. I live 30 minutes away from the hospital, so I decide I better go. I go to the hospital, it’s completely dead only one other women on the labour and delivery floor, and they send me home because I said I don’t want Tylenol for them so they “must not be bad enough”. And for the record, the only reason I didn’t accept Tylenol was because I know that Tylenol does not work to take pain away for me personally, and I would like to have my labour as natural as possible. I have a very high pain tolerance. I only got to see the resident not an actual doctor. I’m just so frustrated and feel like my baby is never coming. 😣😣😣