Bleeding after ultrasound?


I had my first vaginal ultrasound after FET today and baby measured 6 weeks 3 days, heart rate 128 bpm. All as expected and was feeling very excited!

I stopped at the store on my way home and my pants felt wet. I went to the restroom and had bleed through my underwear and jeans. Bright red blood but no clots. My nurse asked me to go on bed rest and monitor the flow, since vaginal ultrasound can cause spotting (she thought this initial gush my have been amplified by the ultrasound gel).

I’m feeling quite down, but my nurse is remaining positive for now. My last 3 (natural) pregnancies ended in miscarriage. So I’ve never had bleeding and still carried to term. This pregnancy is the result of a PGS FET transfer, and I was feeling so hopeful about it upon seeing the heartbeat today. Has anyone experienced a positive outcome in a similar situation?

*Update: I had my next scan 10 days after the bleeding incident and all was well! The baby measured 8 weeks 0 days with a heart rate of 177. So relieved!!!*