*TMI* I’m so confused!

Ok, so I want to give a little back story, I am ttc. This last cycle was pretty weird, lasted 3 light days (normally 5-7) and then I had my fertile window early about a week later. Then my period started as spotting on cycle day 28 (my cycles have been regular the last 3 months at 32 days) I spotted and then full blown period for 5 days then spotting for 2-3 days (all in all about a week and a half or so) that finished about 4 days ago and I’m set to go into my fertile window within the next week (I’ve started having watery cm within the last day or so). Well now I wipe and see this... my husband and I did dtd 2 days ago causing some light spotting but that was gone all day yesterday so I don’t know what’s going on... just a fluke? I’m planning on getting some opks tomorrow to start tracking when exactly ovulation is but just wanted to see if anyone has had a similar weird experience. I should also add that I just fully weaned my 1.5yo last week so maybe my hormones are all out of wack? I’ve just never had a regular period for multiple months and then all of a sudden this... help??