Birth story (it’s a long one)


So finally now that it’s night time & its just the baby, myself & my fiancé I have time to type this out.


****its pretty long****

Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

I took castor oil last night February 21st at 8:30pm because I was so ready to have my son & I was like if it doesn’t work then atleast I’ll be cleared out, I had diarrhea episodes last night from midnight-2:30am & then this morning I woke up when my fiancé did at 5am & was cramping, but not to bad, told my fiancé to go to work because it was just pains in my back and I was able to massage them out myself, but then around 6:30 I was like cramping really bad, I took a bath & had to get out because I had to poop again, (hurt so freaking bad) I laid around in my towel til I started having pains again, so I took another bath to try and relax. I got curious & checked myself & felt I was dilated more than 3cm, so I got out instantly, got myself dressed & my daughter dressed. Drove myself to the hospital, I arrived at 7:39 & once I got to L&D they put me in a triage room to monitor me & take my urine. Right when I leave the urine sample I strip down butt naked because the pain was so bad. The nurse checked me & I was at 5cm and 100% thinned our, I called my fiancé instantly & told him I was in labor & he needed to leave work now & come to the hospital. He got to the hospital 15 mins later & I got checked again & I was 7cm, bulging waters. Once I got to 8 1/2cm the doctor came in & asked if I wanted her to break my water to make things go faster, she broke my water & I went instantly to 9cm but he was still high up, so 3 contractions later he was finally descending down into the birth canal, I was screaming & crying for something to take the pain away, (couldn’t get an epidural because I have bad spinal issues) they didn’t give me any pain relief because they knew I could do it & I wanted a medication free delivery, but I had the mouth of a sailor & felt very bad for being so vulgar. I pooped 3 times during my labor 😩 it was embarrassing but I couldn’t stop myself from doing it. I was screaming for them to get the doctor back in the room because I knew I needed to push, the nurse checks me & my sons head is crowning, the doctor comes in and gets the bed ready for delivery & a couple contractions later his head was out & she told me to relax & the next contraction he will be completely out, but I pushed him out before that next contraction because I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I watched the whole thing from the reflection of the lights on the ceiling. He came out perfectly, weighing 6lbs 7oz 19inches long. Instant skin to skin, he latched instantly. He’s so perfect.