Anyone with knee issues?

K🌻 • Married to my high school sweetheart. Boy mom. Ttc #2.

I wasn’t really sure where to post this but I’m going crazy. I drive for work. Anyone ever been driving and have that position in your leg where you feel like you need to pop your knee? I get that often. So I normally pull over when I can and extend it and pop it. Well I’m going on day 3 now if no relief. It’s not painful. Just an annoying feeling. It pops but still has that weird feeling. I can’t get comfortable no matter what position. I have tried stretching it..popping it. IB profin. Even though it’s not in pain I even tried icy hot. Been relaxing it. Walking around. It’s still there. Since I’m not in pain I don’t want to go to the med center but I will be calling my doctor Monday. I’m restless because of it and google is no help (just says to pop it) I have and it still feels weird. Please help me before I go nuts lol.