How not to stress?????


Hey all, my hubby and i have been TTC for about 3 years. This was the month i stopped checking OPK daily and have been trying not to stress about my ovulation week and as the words of my mother “get drunk and be irresponsible”. But here i am, still stressing. I took my clearblue OPK yesterday and had my peak fertility day and noticed a drop in my BBT and change in my CM. So i know this is it, we can do it! Trying to stay positive...BD at least every other day, but here i am looking into if this works, this will be my due date, this will be my BFP date, etc. i guess I’m just done with the let down every month. What do you guys do to stay positive and not stress? (Since that what every “expert” who has gotten pregnant says) just looking for tips and words of wisdom/hope.

Sending prayers and baby dust to all!