Pregnant after Nexplanon removal??


Okay I need some advice for anyone who’s gotten pregnant after having the arm implant of birth control removed.

This will be my 3rd child.

I always take multiple tests and get false negatives before I finally hit a positive idk why it takes so long for my body to detect pregnancy. With my son I didn’t get a positive until I was close to 14 weeks and even had two periods.

I had my Nexplanon removed on Jan 23rd.

Haven’t had a period and the last time it was removed I started within a week or two max.

I’ve had several pregnancy symptoms and today I got a very FAINT line

It’s hard to see in this picture but I took two in different lightings

The test came with two so I had a friend take the other to see if she got the same result, thinking maybe the test just shows like that and hers was NOTHING.

Here’s the pics of mine..
