Do you go through your SO’s phone?

I don’t personally, I don’t believe in it. I trust my SO, as he’s never given me reason not to. But I’ve heard friends talk about it like it’s normal and I’m wondering how many people do this.

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I don't think it's normal or okay. It's an invasion of privacy. You should be able to trust each other without going through their phones, and if you have to go through your SOs phone because you suspect something or feel insecure there's a problem you need to work out. We do have each other's passwords and borrow each other's phones and laptops, but I wouldn't go through his stuff and I trust him not to go through mine.


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Not at all but I have his password.. he’s never hidden anything from me or made me feel suspicious of anything


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Nah. I trust him, if I see he is being shady then maybe


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When we were first dating I was super insecure and I would go looking for stuff. He never cared and was fine with me having his phone. I realized it was pointless to even bother with it. We both have one another’s passwords but I don’t go through his phone anymore.


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I would if I had reason to believe he was up to no good. The way I see it, phones make it way easier to cheat and hide stuff. If someone is already inclined to cheat or do things they know their partner wouldn't like, their phone is probably gonna hold a lot of clues. So in that instance I don't see a problem with snooping if your partner is acting shady and trying to do things behind your back.


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My ex had given me permission to look at his phone and accounts whenever. I had his consent and that's how I confirmed he was cheating 7 years in. I have had to sit myself down and remind myself my husband is not my ex, he has not broken my trust and doesn't have any time to sneak around if he wanted to, and what I'm feeling is my own anxiety and insecurity, it's nothing coming from him.


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I don’t go through his phone but I have access to it. It’s okay to not search their phone because if you’re looking for something there’s already issues in the relationship but you’re damn right I have his code & he has mine. 🤷🏾‍♀️


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If I have a gut feeling then yes and I don’t care what other women think. Or shall I just stay with a geezer doing the dirty behind my back 🙄 lol 😂


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My husband’s bad habit I have to keep an eye on doesn’t require me to go through his phone. I have never had the desire or the need to and I hope that I never do


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No my husband doesn’t have. A password and I trust if if I didn’t I wouldn’t have married him