Having SO much trouble breastfeeding...


So I started breastfeeding my LO when she was born and tried for about a week and a half, but with all of the visitors, and doctors appointments, and feeling as if my baby wasn’t satisfied as well as her spitting up my milk and not spitting up formula I stopped for about a week. I didn’t dry up completely and decided I wanted to give it another go because I really wanted to breastfeed. Well since I stopped for that amount of time I’m having a hell of a time getting my supply back. I’m feeding on demand, pumping, hand expressing but hardly anything comes out and I still have to give her a formula bottle after breastfeeding because she’s not satisfied. I know she’s not because she cries when nothing is coming out. I’m beginning to feel defeated and upset because I love the skin to skin bonding time with her. I don’t know what else to do.