Vent Needed!!

I don’t know if I am PMSing or something but today I cried,because every time my MIL comes over I argue with my SO, we have a 2 and 1 year old so it’s hard I do clean but it always get dirty all over again, he works and I stay home with the girls but when his mom comes over he wants the house to be really clean and he sets a time she has to come and I like to clean when ever I feel like it not be forced by a certain time, and I said that and of course he starts saying how I’m a good for nothing I don’t work to get a job lazy, and all these hurtful things and I try to clean but all he usually does is the dishes and I guess I the house really got messy this week so I was told of,and he made me cry this time usually I don’t but I guess im more emotional and if I get upset he says there you are being emotional and being a girl, also his mom has been so mean and hates me so cleaning for her isn’t my cup of tea