Period sex... is the tampon still in me??


I had sex on Friday. It was drunken sex, and yes I know it shouldn’t have happened but it did. Im fine with us having sex, we were both drunk but we both knew soberly we were okay with it. But I’m faced with the fact that I don’t really remember what happened. But now I’m paranoid I didn’t take my tampon out and that it just is farther up in me. I’m kind of freaking out. When I urinated yesterday and today it was kind of strong smelling but I have no discharge (im also still on my period but toward the end - so it’s brownish blood still coming) and down there just feels, like there is something there. I tried to check myself but couldn’t feel anything. I REALLY thought I took it out. I’m like 80% sure but nothing else is explaining this. It doesn’t really hurt to pee, I would prefer not to go to the doctors because I cannot afford it right now.

Is this possible that it’s still up in me?

I’m sorry for the TMI. And please do not tell me I shouldn’t have had sex if I don’t even remember if I took it out, I know but I can’t change it.