Friend Drama. :|

Just need to get this out somewhere. One of my good friends is getting married in May, the month I’m due, but she’s doing a destination wedding. So obviously I cannot attend. Ever since I told her I can’t go she’s been a bit cold towards me. I’ve apologized for not being able to go and she has said she understands, but now she’s not returning my messages. I have been supportive of her and the wedding this entire time. Been a part of everything as much as I possibly can. On a side note, she has not messaged me once about my pregnancy. Never seen an ultrasound, never asked how I’m feeling, didn’t show up to anything I’ve invited her to concerning my baby. She has no idea what’s going on in my life. This huge, life changing, amazing experience. I understand on some level why it may be hard for her but she is meant to be one of my best friends. It hurts that she can’t support me at all.

There is literally nothing else I can say or do to make it right. I don’t regret my baby. I’m sorry I can’t make it to her wedding but that’s one of the risks with holding a destination wedding. I think she expected me to put my life on hold for it and I don’t think that’s reasonable. I’m not closing the door on her but it certainly feels like she’s doing that with me.

Long message, sorry for the rant. Just needed to get the words out.