Raising a Daughter..tips!


This is going to be a really lengthy post! *disclaimer* this is by no means a hit to the way anyone raises there children. These are just my opinions. This is my first child.. a girl named Harlow! There are things I want to change in the way i raise my daughter( compared to the norm or even my mom and my sister). For example christmas and birthdays. I want my daughter to recieve gifts only that can benefit her..gifts of love, learning and hobbies. Same with birthdays! I want to create traditions of experience for her instead of mounds and mounds of toys. She will recieve gifts but gifts that help her progress, learning, loving and hobbies. Here is an example(my sister is a great mother..but this is a good example) her son is only 3 years old. Every year he gets mounds and mounds of toys for christmas and birthdays. He has a toy room in the basement filled to the ceileing with toys, her living room is a toy room and in the corner filled to the ceiling with toys. His bedroom is filled to the ceiling with toys. If you take him to the store he will throw a fit till you buy him something, he wont leave the store without a toy. I want to spoil my daughter but not with materialistic items. I want christmas to be filled with wonderful experiences, crafts, traditions..family..and fun. She will have a toy chest but once it starts over flowing I will have her chose what toys she wants to donate and we will go down and donate them to the less fortunate. I dont want to teach her that the point of christmas is to recieve gifts. Every year since the day i was born my aunt has a christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> shindig, and all that it is is her buying gifts for everyone. Its sweet, but It was hard for me to deal with this year. Because i would rather sit with all them and talk and laugh and spend quality time together..but its just always about gifts and toys. It has become sooooo stressful every year because thats all that it is. Im 25 years old my oldest sister is 30! And i disagree wildy. What are some things you mommas advise? Some traditions, experiences? Do you agree with me? You may also include tips of any kind for raising a kind, sweet, respectful and thankful daughter.