

I ladies I think I’m literally going mad and seeing things. I had a miscarriage on the 25th of January at 6 weeks. I bled for around 5 days and my partner and I then had unprotected sex on the 4th of February. I felt pains, niggles, nausea and sore breasts for some weeks following. Went to the doctors appeared to have some unclear symptoms in my urine possible infection and was given antibiotics. Continued to have pregnancy symptoms and then on Friday 22nd I bled heavily for 3 days with some clots. (Assuming that’s my first period?) have not had intercourse since beginning of February as wasn’t sure of infection or what my body is doing. I’m sure it’s pretty impossible but took some tests yesterday and today and thought I was seeing a faint line but I think it must be my mind playing tricks as clear blue digital saying not pregnant! Any thoughts? Think I’m officially going mad maybe good to get back to work tomorrow ha!