1 more sleep.


Getting induced tomorrow at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia. I am beyond excited....but freaking out a little! Was 1cm dialated and 90% effaced yesterday at my daily NST.

Still have not made up my mind about an epidural. I almost want one just because I worry about my husband seeing me in pain.

But oh my gosh 1 more sleeeeeep!!!!!

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Posted at
I had an epidural when I had preeclampsia and I am so thankful I did. they put you on a magnesium drip...you have to have catheter inserted, so you cant get up or anything. the magnesium makes your body feel like it has the flu. I couldn't imagine going through all of that AND pain. good luck. ♡ 37 weeks was when my daughter was born.


True • Feb 26, 2019
There’s a shot you can get in that area that can help with the pressure. I forgot the name of it that helped me at the very end. As she stated above the meds they put you on for preeclampsia isn’t a joke that magnesium had me so exhausted the whole time I couldn’t keep my eyes open.


As • Feb 26, 2019
for me, that magnesium was rough. It's been almost 7 years since my daughter was born, maybe it's changed, I dont know. but I had double and blurred vision. I felt like I had the flu. like my body was 200°. I slept a lot. so I know the last thing I cared about was being up lol.


Erika • Feb 26, 2019
Im only hesitant about the epidural because i want to be able to walk around! Im not going to try and be a hero though....if I cant handle the pain I'll totally do it but the thought of not moving around or feeling much scares me more lol


Posted at
Preeclampsia just popped up on me one day. Went in for a check up because I was leaking fluids (enough to fill an oversized pad). Dr checked me and water had broken and was 1cm dilated. Dr and nurse asked me if I wanted an epidural. I said no because I couldn’t imagine the needle going into my back ( I hate needles). I held strong and didn’t get one. So glad I didn’t but each woman is different.