I had the worst dream of my life, and I cant stop crying about it.

I had a dream my 1.5 yr old fell down these narrow steep, tan colored carpeted stairs. It was like a closed off hallway staircase. The walls were white, and I was at the bottom of the stairs watching him walk down them. He got about half way down and fell forward and broke his neck. He instant became a pale purple color, and I saw his face it was undeniable my son. He was wearing his Thomas the train blue striped pjs. I rushed to him and picked him up, he was lifeless. I kept screaming no no no, and then I was running toward hospital doors with him in my arms. As soon as i got through the doors and screamed help, my husband's alarm woke me up.

I've been sitting at the foot of his crib bawling while I watch him sleep for the past hour now.

Idk if this is stress related or a premative dream. For 3 weeks I had dreams of someone shooting themself in the head. And then 2 days after the last dream of it, my dad committed suicide. He shot himself in the head.

I've had so many dreams that ended up actually happening.

But I'm also SO STRESSED OUT. My husbands job is cutting hours and pay, putting us at risk of losing our insurance. The pay has become so little, we dont know how we're going to make rent possible within the next 4 days. We have one vehicle that keeps having expensive issues, which is beyond annoying for a 2012 car. I am having tests done for lumps found on my breasts and head, and a few irregular moles. So I've been incredibly stressed.

I dont know the reason for this dream but it has be in a spiral.