I don’t know what to do....

Hey guys, ive been in a 2 year committed relationship. Although, things aren’t exactly ideal. Here’s the thing, he is 22 and I am 17. We started dating at 20 and 15. He has been my first love, and I thought my forever. But he isn’t the problem. He has always taken care of me and shown me the way a boyfriend should treat me. I’m at a tough point in my life though because it is my senior year. I am graduating in 3 months. I feel like I have a lot on the line right now. His mother has been very rude, sending me messages about how I am so bad and how everything I have done is wrong. The only thing she is talking about is how much time he has invested into me. She is insecure and jealous that he loves me so much. Here is a few things she has said:

I am tired of her. I feel like I need a break from her for my last few months of high school. However, I feel like I need a break from my boyfriend as well. It hurts me so bad because I feel like if we go on a break we will break up and it will hurt. However, if we don’t go on a break, then his mom will continually put me down and keep talking bad about me with other people. I am struggling because If we do break up and move on, I feel like I will always hold that “what if” in the back of my mind. I just don’t know what to do. I feel like a break would give us clarity on the situation, but I don’t want to let go forever.... his mom has always felt bad about me since day one of being introduced. I’ve tried so hard to make myself fit in and go out of my way to help out. None of his sibling’s SO have to feel this way either. She is targeting me, but it is VERY difficult to go fit in with a family who already feels bad about the situation. Help guys, this is such an important decision.