Today was the day...


So Oct 31st was the day I got my first positive test. December 4th was my first appointment and ultrasound, I was 8 weeks 3 days. The baby had a heart rate of 178, everything was right on track. Fast forward to Dec 27th, I started spotting, went to the day and heard the worst news of my life. I am sorry but there is no heartbeat. Here I was suppose to be 11 weeks 5 days but the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 5 days. Only 2 days after my first appointment. I was absolutely devastated!!! I had my D&C on January 2nd at 12 weeks 4 days. Second worse day of my life 😔. Well fast forward again. It’s February 26th and I just left the doctors office, I had to break down and get put on something for depression. I just want one day when I don’t feel so sad and so alone and hurt! There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my baby, as the world around forgets I was ever pregnant. 😔